The Catholic Parish of Holy Family

Statement from the Archbishop of Southwark Following the Vote on Assisted Dying in the House of Commons

WEBMASTER • December 1, 2024

I am deeply saddened and extremely worried by the progress made in the House of Commons towards the legalisation of assisted suicide. While this is not yet the final step in enacting this legislation, it represents a seismic and concerning shift in our nation’s approach to caring for the most vulnerable among us.

Compassion, rightly understood, means standing with those who suffer, sharing their burdens, and honouring their dignity until the natural end of their lives. It does not mean hastening death, even in the face of pain or despair. Every human life is of immeasurable value, and our response must always be to protect and support those who are most in need.

The experience of other countries where assisted suicide has been introduced serves as a grave warning. Promised safeguards are eroded over time, leaving the elderly, disabled, and seriously ill at risk of feeling their lives are a burden to others. The subtle, and sometimes overt, pressure this creates threatens the very fabric of a society built on care and protection for the weakest.

Legalising assisted suicide also undermines the essential trust between patients and healthcare professionals. Those who dedicate their lives to healing and comforting the sick are being placed in an untenable position. Conscientious objection — the right of medical practitioners, nursing and care staff, and institutions to refuse to participate in practices that violate their deeply held ethical or religious convictions — must be upheld and protected. Without this assurance, the ethos of our healthcare system and the integrity of those who serve within it are at serious risk.

Instead of moving towards assisted suicide, we must commit to improving palliative care, ensuring that expert pain relief, emotional support, and spiritual care are available to all who need them. No one should feel alone or abandoned in their suffering.

As we face this challenging moment, I call on Catholics and all people of goodwill to advocate for the protection of life at every stage and to stand in solidarity with those who are most vulnerable. Let us also turn to the Lord Jesus, who shared in human suffering and revealed the depth of his love through his death and resurrection. Through him, we find the strength to defend the dignity of every person and to build a society that values the gift of life from conception to natural death.

Archbishop John Wilson

29 November 2024

By Webmaster February 17, 2025
The clergy in our Archdiocese have given us so much. They have been there for us in our happiest moments and comforted us when we have lost loved ones. Supporting priests in their retirement is one way to show your appreciation for all they have one for parishes. You make supporting our clergy in retirement possible, find out how to donate to the Clergy Support Fund at You can also donate via telephone office hours Mon-Fri 020 7960 2504 or by using the Clergy Support Fund envelopes available at the back of Church. Please continue to keep our Priests in your prayers.
By Webmaster February 17, 2025
We are now unable to accept any more Pilgrims. The Pilgrimage is full. I heard good news last week that a friend of mine who worked in the Vatican for some years will be able to arrange for MONSIGNOR Malachy and his pilgrims to have a special place at the papal audience which we will attend! We will also have holy Mass in St.Peter’s Basilica in Rome, in the churches associated with St Francis and St Clare in Assisi and in the church of St Padre Pio in San Giovanni. Please note, dear Pilgrims that this is a pilgrimage and not a holiday! We go to these sacred places NOT AS TOURISTS but prayerfully as pilgrims intent on knowing and loving and serving God. We will also have fun times as well, of course but prayer and openness to what God wishes to give us will be our priority. We will have a meeting here in Sanderstead with our Travel Director a little closer to the date of our departure
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
Next Saturday, 22nd February, at 10.00am , in the Parish Room and for the following six Saturdays, some of our children and their parents will be preparing for the children's First Reconciliation which will take place on the 29th March. Please pray for these families as they approach that moment when the children first experience the tender, gentle forgiving love of the Lord Jesus in this beautiful Sacrament. Please, dear Parents, notice the slight difference in the time of these meetings which will now begin at 10.00am .
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
I hoping that soon we will be able to offer our children attending Nursery schools or Primary schools, an opportunity to celebrate the first part of the 11.00am Sunday holy Mass in their own special way, with the help of our Catechists. The children will be invited at the beginning of the 11.00am Sunday holy Mass, to join the Catechists in the sacristy of the church. There, they will be able to do interesting things like drawing and colouring pictures that illustrate the Gospel Reading of holy Mass as well as much more too, like games and generally having fun while learning about their Faith. Then, at the Offertory of the Mass, they will leave the sacristy with their Catechists, and come into the main body of the church, to show me and the congregation the beautiful work they have done. We will corn the church with their pictures. After that, they return to their families in the church for the second and final part of the holy Mass. This will be far better for the children than just being at the back of the church and being bored with what is happening. The Liturgy of the Word for Children will be much more suited to their needs and help them to know the holy Mass and God’s Word far better. Please note that this will be for all our children until they celebrate their First Reconciliation and their First Holy Communion, after which they remain with their families in the church throughout the holy Mass. I believe the children will really enjoy what we will be offering them. Dear Parents, please let me know the names and ages of your children so that we can begin to prepare this time for them during every 11.00am Sunday holy Mass, beginning soon.
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
Before ‘Covid’ struck. We had a wonderful group of individuals whose ministry was to be in the porch of the church and there to greet and welcome people arriving to celebrate the Sunday holy Masses. I hope we can revive that ministry. Please let me know if you could do this. All it means is to arrive in the church a little early. Please note that this will be a ministry only for people who are not yet actively involved in our parish
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
SATURDAY 22ND FEBRUARY AT 12.00MIDDAY If you think you could understand your Faith better and discover how close the Lord is to you; if you have a sense that the Lord wishes you to be closer to him; if you wish to be open and faithful to Lord’s Call to you, then this meeting is for you. We speak about anything and everything that you would like to speak about. Please be brave and open your heart to this invitation from your loving God and come to this very informal meeting. I think you will enjoy it and you will be doing something very pleasing to the Lord.
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
To everyone who came, last Saturday, to discuss ‘Called to Bear Fruit’ and then to share with the Archbishop what you, Lay Parishioners of our parish, believe is the way forward for our Archdiocese and our parishes. Your insights were noted by Linda and Marie and will be forwarded to the Archbishop via the diocesan Agency for Evangelisation. Of course, anyone can still send their views, in the next few weeks, using the contact details found in the booklet which were distributed at holy Mass recently.
By Webmaster February 2, 2025
Every holy Mass from our parish is streamed world-wide. I thought you might like to know how many individuals and groups have joined us for holy Mass in the last few weeks: England: 473 Wales: 8 Scotland: 1 Ireland: 12 United States (Iowa): 2 United States (Oregon): 40 Ecuador: 60 May all our Viewers be blessed by the Lord
By Webmaster February 2, 2025
Monday this week is the Feast of St. Blaise, who was a Bishop in Armenia in the 4th century. He was a physician before becoming a Bishop. His reputation spread widely throughout the church in the Middle Ages, because he was reputed to have miraculously cured a little boy who nearly died because of a fishbone stuck in his throat. From the 8th century, he was asked to pray for those who suffered from illnesses of the throat. One account of the miracle cure was that it took place when he had been imprisoned for his faith and when he picked up two candles provided for him and formed a cross around the boy’s throat. I will offer you this Blessing on Monday. During holy Masses
By Webmaster February 1, 2025
CALLED TO BEAR FRUIT - AN INVITATION FROM ARCHBISHOP JOHN Dear brothers and sisters in Christ This Jubilee Year calls us to remember that we journey together as ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ who look to Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. At the wedding in Cana, Our Lady spoke words that are addressed to us today: ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ (Jn 2:5) Trusting in the Good News brought to us by the Lord Jesus we are encouraged to look to the future with confidence. God keeps his promises and can make all things new. Therefore, we place our hope in God’s Word. He asks us to be ‘tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.’ This means we each have a part to play in building up the Church’s life of faith and fulfilling the Great Commission to ‘make disciples of all nations.’ (Mt 28:19) The Jubilee Year offers each of us, and all of us, a profound opportunity to reflect prayerfully on the future of our Archdiocese. We face some significant challenges - nearly half of our diocesan priests will reach the canonical retirement age of 75 by the end of 2025; Mass attendance has declined by a third over the past 25 years; and many parishioners have yet to return to parish life since the pandemic. But – and importantly - these realities do not need to define us. Financial uncertainties in many of our parishes may feel daunting, but they are also an invitation to rediscover our mission, and to dream boldly about what God can achieve through us. Pope Francis, in his letter The Joy of the Gospel, shared a vision that resonates deeply with the challenges we face: “I dream,” he said “of a ‘missionary option,’ that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language, and structures can be suitably channelled for the evangelisation of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 27). I have the privilege to serve as your Archbishop, and I want to say to you that I share this dream. A dream of an Archdiocese where every parish embraces this missionary spirit, becoming evermore vibrant communities where new people are continually encountering the Lord Jesus. My hope is for our parishes to be places of profound joy and healing, where lay men and women experience the transformative love of Christ; where they are equipped to carry forward the Church’s mission with renewed purpose. I invite you to dream with me and to make this dream a reality. In 2023, we embarked on a process entitled Called to Bear Fruit. It’s a journey of listening, collaboration, and renewal in a spirit of synodality. We began by listening to the hopes and concerns of our clergy. Now, I would like also to hear from you, my sisters and brothers in Christ. What signs of vitality do you see flourishing in your parish? Where do you perceive the challenges to be? How can we work together, as clergy, laity and consecrated people, and neighbouring parishes, to make the Church’s mission more effective in our local communities? Today, I would like to ask for your help in two ways: First of all, please pray for the renewal of our Archdiocese . Let us ask the Holy Spirit to illumine our hearts and minds with fresh possibilities during this Jubilee Year of Hope. Together, let us pray for the courage and wisdom to discern the path ahead. Secondly, to engage in the Called to Bear Fruit consultation . A booklet is available at Mass today which outlines six key themes for reflection. I encourage you to gather in small groups, as works best in your community. Come together prayerfully to reflect on these themes, and share your insights with the Called to Bear Fruit team. The booklet explains everything about how to do this. When I began my ministry as your Archbishop, I said that I did not come to the Archdiocese to manage decline, but to lead with hope. This Jubilee Year of Hope is our chance to open ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to work together towards a revival of Christian life, witness, and mission in our Archdiocese. For this, I humbly ask for your prayers, your ideas, and your active participation. Together, we can re-imagine our parishes as thriving centres of faith, healing, and evangelisation. As Pilgrims of Hope, therefore, let us walk this journey together with faith, courage, and joy. With every blessing and with the assurance of my prayers and gratitude Yours devotedly in Christ + John Wilson (Metropolitan Archbishop of Southwark)  Please join me on Saturday 8th February, as the ‘Parish in Council’, at 10.00am, in our ‘Olde Forge Cafe’ and bring your ‘Called to Bear Fruit’ booklet with you, to reflect on the themes the Archbishop suggests so that we can respond to his request to “re-imagine our parishes as thriving centres of faith, healing and evangelisation.”
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