The Catholic Parish of Holy Family

 Parish Events

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By Webmaster February 2, 2025
Monday this week is the Feast of St. Blaise, who was a Bishop in Armenia in the 4th century. He was a physician before becoming a Bishop. His reputation spread widely throughout the church in the Middle Ages, because he was reputed to have miraculously cured a little boy who nearly died because of a fishbone stuck in his throat. From the 8th century, he was asked to pray for those who suffered from illnesses of the throat. One account of the miracle cure was that it took place when he had been imprisoned for his faith and when he picked up two candles provided for him and formed a cross around the boy’s throat. I will offer you this Blessing on Monday. During holy Masses
By Webmaster January 26, 2025
This is the next workshop I am hoping to offer. Please look on the LJC website for details and to book a place. Shame is a feeling that often lies deep and hidden within us. Even though the causes of those feelings may have occurred many years previously, they can still be alive and active in our lives today, spoiling our joy and peace. In this workshop, we will explore how Shame can take root within us, even without being consciously aware of it and how we can be healed of the damage done to us.  Hope you can come - we can travel together.
By webmaster January 19, 2025
The holy Bible is God’s living Word. The Word of God is proclaimed every time we come to holy Mass. It acts like a Navigation System to direct us into a special way of living our lives, a special way that will lead us safely to our destination of Heaven. It is so important that we listen with our hearts and minds to God’s Word whenever it is proclaimed to us. It is vitally important that we understand God’s Word whether we listen to it or indeed whether we are the ones proclaiming the Word, as Lectors.  It was recently suggested to me that we have regular Bible Study meetings. We did this, if you remember, in pre-COVID days! Let’s start again! May I invite everyone to join me, in our Parish Room, once a month, for an hour, to look at and to pray the Bible Readings used in our celebrations of holy Mass each month. Understanding the Readings will help us to gain so much from them, whether you are someone, during holy Mass, who simply listens to the Word or someone who also proclaims the Word. These Bible Study meetings are for everyone but may I ask, especially that our Lectors make these meetings a priority. The meetings will help us all to better understand God’s Word and if we are Lectors to better proclaim God’s Word with meaning and skill. The date and time of our next meeting is above. Please note that it is on a Saturday morning rather than a weekday evening, to make it easier for everyone to attend, especially our Lectors
By Webmaster January 19, 2025
During this week, many people who hold different views of the Christian Faith, are encouraged to pray together and work for closer bonds. In our area, this week, there are two ways, two Services, in which we can do this. The two Services are: Wednesday: Morning Prayer and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 9.00am, followed by holy Mass at 9.30am in the Catholic church of the Holy Family, Sanderstead.  Wednesday: Prayer Service at 12.00midday in Sanderstead Methodist church
By Webmaster December 22, 2024
Please see below all the times of holy Masses and Services during the Season of Christmas. Many hearts are open to the Lord’s loving invitation at this holy time of the year, to know him and to discover his life-giving love. Please invite members of your family, your friends, your neighbours and colleagues to come with you to the holy Masses and Services of Christmas. The Lord will speak through you, through your words, inviting people to know him and to know the salvation he comes to give us. Mon 23 Dec: 9.30am THE SEASON OF CHRISTMAS FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD – CHRISTMAS Tue 24 Dec: (Vigil Holy Mass of Christmas in HMP Elmley at 9.00am) 5.30pm Christmas Carols Service 6.00pm Vigil Holy Mass of Christmas Day 12.00Midnight Holy Mass of Christmas Day Wed 25 Dec: 11.00am Holy Mass of Christmas Day Thu 26 Dec: 12.00Midday Fri 27 Dec: 9.30am FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH Sat 28 Dec: 5.00PM Vigil holy Mass of the Holy Family Sun 29 Dec: 9.00aam 11.00am Mon 30 Dec: Holy Mass in HMP Elmley at 9.00am Tue 31 Dec: 9.30am Wed 1st January 2025 12.00Midday Thu 2 Jan: 9.30am  Fri 3 Jan: 9.30am THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Sat 4 Jan: 5.00pm Vigil holy Mass of The Epiphany Sun 5 Jan: 9.00am 11.00am
By Webmaster December 15, 2024
Tuesday 17th December at 6.00pm. Please pop this date and time in your diary. To allow the Lord to love and forgive and heal  us is the best preparation possible to celebrate, at Christmas, the anniversary of his first coming into our world.
By Webmaster December 15, 2024
Please may I ask everyone to come to our church on Monday 23rd December to help in the decoration and cleaning of the church for Christmas. Also, please may I invite all our children (and parents) to help to design and build the crib. You might like to come to holy Mass at 9.30am and after holy Mass we can decorate the church, build the crib, clean and tidy God’s house.
By Webmaster November 24, 2024
Anger is a normal human emotion but it must be understood as a part of our lives that needs to be lived in a healthy, wise way. When this happens, Anger is a great force for good but when it is misunderstood and allowed to express itself in destructive ways then it can cause fear and chaos. This short one-day course, which I have been invited to deliver at the LJC on Saturday 7th December , from 10.00am until 2.00pm, will be helpful for anyone who wishes to better understand Anger in themselves or in someone else and will give suggestions about how to live this powerful human emotion in a good, life-giving way. Please check the LJC website for more details and to book a place on the course.
By Webmaster November 17, 2024
‘Welcome to our new friends’ Woof Woof
By Webmaster November 10, 2024
During this month of November, we traditionally, pray for all those who have left our world and who, while on earth, opened their hearts and lives to the Lord. We believe there is a strong connection between God’s People on earth, those in Heaven and those who, having left this world, are on their way to Heaven. The holy Mass is the very best and most powerful way that links those who have died with the risen Lord Jesus. I will be most happy to celebrate holy Mass for your loved ones who have died, especially during this month of November, if you would like me to do so. Please use the special holy Masses envelopes for the Holy Souls, which you will find in the church porch if you would like me to celebrate holy Mass for your intention.  You will find our ‘Book of the Dead’ in front of the side altar in our church. At every holy Mass during the month of November, we place that book on the altar and we pray for everyone mentioned in it. If anyone you know has died in the last twelve months, please enter their name in the Book, on the date of their death so that we can pray for them too.
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