By Webmaster
March 23, 2025
OLDE FORGE CAFE BAKERS/PROVIDERS ROTA MARCH 2025 30th : Lizzie APRIL 2025 5th : Jenny 12th : Patricia McCarthy 19th : Ross 26th : Giannina Please, if possible, could you provide enough cakes for the whole of each week. Thank you to everybody who is helping to provide cakes. To avoid having too many cakes, Coral mentioned to me that non-perishable cakes can be safely stored in the Cafe for a short while. When it is your turn to provide a non-perishable cake, please bring your cake to the Cafe a few days before the date of your turn. OLDE FORGE CAFE - HOSTS ROTA MARCH 2025 25th : Gardening Group 26th : Admin’ Group 29th : Maggie, Giannina 20th : Kim, Manuel APRIL 2025 1st : Gardening Group 2nd : Admin’ Group 5th: David, Marian 6th : Lesley, Linda 8th : Gardening Group 9th : Admin’ Group 12th : Gabrielle, Regina 13th : Bridget, Geraldine 15th : Gardening Group 20th : Jannine, Collette 22nd : Gardening Group 23rd : Admin’ Group 26th : Phil, Mary 27th : Patricia, Jim 29th : Gardening Group MAY 3rd : Kim, Manuel 4th : David, Marian Please note that for each of the above dates when the Cafe is open, one of the two Hosts has been trained in the use of the new coffee machine. Please would that trained person be the only person operating the machine and also please train the other person in its use. Many thanks. Thank you to everybody who acts as a Host. If an unexpected emergency occurs on the date you are scheduled to be a Host, please don’t worry about the Cafe. No need to try to find someone to ‘stand in’ for you. There is no need whatsoever to ‘swop’ with someone! We are not a Business, having to stay open to make money! - we open when and if we can. We take this role of ‘Host’ as a Vocation from the Lord to be his Missionary and his Prophet. Actually, the Cafe has, at times, functioned well with just one Host. The success of our Evangelisation Cafe depends on us. The more we speak to others of our Cafe, inviting them to visit us, the more successful it will be. Please invite members of your families, your friends, your neighbours and colleagues. Please check when it is your turn to be a Host (or a Baker!). Please see this role as a Calling, a Vocation from the Lord which you are generously telling the Lord you will do”. Thank you so much for your trust in the good Lord